Refreshing your lockdown workout

Working out at home has been never been in such demand!  For most of us, while commuting has paused completely, daily exercise is still deemed essential both for physical and mental wellbeing.  However, how do you find the right activity for you while keeping it fresh?

Well, firstly choose an activity you enjoy, then consider what it is you want to achieve.  Is it strength, flexibility, cardio fitness or maybe keeping your waistline in check?  Finally, see how much time you can carve out to exercise during your day.

Here are some quick and easy routines to keep you active during the latest lockdown.



Squats 90 seconds

Press-ups 90 seconds

Reverse lunges 90 seconds

Tricep dips 90 seconds

Repeat the circuit a 2nd time with 60 seconds per exercise and then a 3rd time with 30 seconds per exercise.  Take a 3 – 5 minutes break between each circuit and remember to end with a cool down and stretch.


Free weights

Hand weights help to improve muscular strength and endurance and be used for both upper and lower body


Dumbell step-ups 30 seconds

Bent over row 30 seconds

Bicep curls 30 seconds

Squats 30 seconds

Lateral raises 30 seconds

Three circuits with a three-minute break between each circuit and finish with a cool down and stretching.



A kettlebell workout will improve your cardio fitness and strengthen your hips, glutes (your butt!) and hamstrings.


Two-handed swing – 60 seconds

Reverse lunch – 30 seconds each side

Squat and press – 30 seconds each side

Two-handed swing – 60 seconds

Aim for two to three circuits depending on your fitness level with a two-minute break between each circuit and end with a cool down and stretching.



HIIT training can burn a lot of calories in a relatively short period of time.


Burpees 40 seconds, rest 20 seconds

Plank 40 seconds, rest 20 seconds

Butt kicks 40 seconds, rest 20 seconds

Push-ups 40 seconds, rest 20 seconds

Star jumps 40 seconds, rest 20 seconds

Complete a minimum of three circuits and no matter how tired you are, always finished with a cool down and stretch.

The important thing with exercise is to do whatever works for you – if you choose an activity you think you should do rather than you want to do the likelihood is you won’t be doing it for long.


©  2021 Executive Travel Vitality

Author: Julie Dennis
Julie Dennis is a fitness coach specializing in weight loss and body transformation results. She is a level 4 skilled personal trainer and a qualified member of the Register of Exercise Professionals (REPs). Julie also holds a UK Athletics Leadership in Running Fitness qualification. Prior to training as a fitness coach and establishing herself in the health & fitness industry, Julie spent over 20 years behind a desk in London employed in a variety of roles in the management consultancy, executive search and mining industries. Whilst working as part of a global team at Rio Tinto Julie experienced first hand the challenges of incorporating fitness and wellbeing into an international travel schedule. A keen marathon runner she often found running whilst on a long a haul trip an ideal reliever for jet lag.

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