Category: Great Britain
Where to find healthier options at Gatwick Airport – North Terminal
Kathy Lewis, R.Nutr, BCApSc, MSc, MBA, June 22, 2015
Gatwick Airport’s North Terminal sees over 18 million passengers each year, with one in five passengers travelling on business. Not surprising as Gatwick is the…
Posted in Airports Birmingham International airport City of London Edinburgh Airport Europe Germany Jet lag Long haul flights Manchester Airport Melbourne Snacks
Quality Departure Lounge food sets up a successful trip
Carol Sadler PhD March 3, 2015
Departure lounge food options can set you up for a successful trip. Carol Sadler, PhD, Consultant Nutritionist, travels frequently overseas and explains some useful tips…
Gathering for lunch at Edinburgh Airport
Kathy Lewis, R.Nutr, BCApSc, MSc, MBA, May 6, 2014
According to recent research reported in the Harvard Business Review not being able to eat healthily when travelling on business is one of the top…