Can fitness apps really help you to stay healthy?
It’s easy to find excuses not to exercise when you’re travelling for business. You’re too tired, you’re too busy, or you don’t have the right gear. Sound familiar? Well, let’s take a look at how you can quickly and easily find the time, the energy and the right kit to exercise when you’re away from the office and out of your regular routine.
Studies have shown time and time again the motivational benefits of consistently tracking your fitness. It’s guaranteed to help you stay on target with your health goals wherever you are and one of the easiest ways to do that is through fitness apps.
Let’s take a look at some of the best fitness apps for the business traveller in 2017.
My Fitness Pal
Consistently ranked as one of the best fitness apps in the industry MyFitnessPal.
Tracks food intake and exercise. It synchronises seamlessly with many other apps including mapmyrun, strava and garmin so you can automatically update all your workouts whichever country you’re working from.
Meditation is a form of exercise both for the body and the mind. It’s super relaxing and equips you with a number of calming techniques you can adopt during your working day to help manage your stress. You can learn the basics in just 10 minutes a day and then progress to the guided meditations based on specific needs depending on your mood and lifestyle.
Best known as a music app Spotfiy has a hidden feature that creates custom playlists to match your running speed. Tap browse in the menu at the bottom of the screen, scroll down to Genres & Moods and select Running. Tap the playlist you want to run to, tap Start Run and start running! The app cleverly detects your pace and automatically plays tracks that match the exact BPM for your running speed.
7-minute workout
The 7 minute workout challenge remains a favourite and is designed with the busy professional in mind. Clear video and audio instruction takes you through a high-intensity workout of just 12 exercises in 7 minutes. No equipment, trainer or gym required. You can track your progress and keep you motivated new exercises are unlocked as you improve. It’s the ultimate workout app for the time pressured business traveller.
Yoga studio
The yoga studio app gives you 65 video classes varying in length from 15 to 60 minutes. There are classes suitable for beginners, intermediaries or advanced yogis. Each class has a commentary to ensure you’re technique is spot on for each of the 280 poses included in the app. Yoga is excellent for energising or relaxing depending on your needs.
When you’re fit and healthy you’re in a much better position to deal with any work challenges that come your way. Your energy and concentration levels improve as do your decision-making skills and ability to react more calmly in high pressured situations.
So it’s crucial to maintain you’re fitness routines when business takes you away from home. And all you need is your phone, tablet or laptop to access 1000s of fitness apps, buddies and trackers.