Best snacks for long haul flights
Ultra-long-haul business travel often involves disruption to sleeping and eating routines, especially when multiple time zones are crossed. Planes now travel vast distances without the…
Anytime anywhere exercises
Of course, you can exercise anytime, anywhere. Exercise doesn’t have to involve a whole heap of planning, time, sophisticated equipment or even technical clothing. You…
Aberdeen Airport, travel with ‘No Frills’
Aberdeen Airport opened in 1934, and the passenger numbers and routes have for many years, mostly served business travel for the oil and gas industry…
5 Lightweight travel fitness buddies to take on your business trip
When you’re travelling for business it can be tricky to maintain your fitness levels. The change in routine, jet lag and the pressure of business…
Business Travel: on a diet fit for an Olympic athlete
This is the exciting season of sport with the Euros, Wimbledon, the Tour de France and now the Olympics. Athletes travel long distances to events,…
Do business travellers need to prioritise exercise?
So why should you prioritise exercise? Just what exactly will you gain by doing so? Your travel schedule is tight enough as it is. …
Foreign travel: How to keep our digestive system happy
Some people are fortunate in never having to consider the behaviour of their digestive system but for those with a more sensitive apparatus, business travel…
Travel workouts for beginners
Julie Dennis, our fitness coach, has some great advice on travel workouts for beginners, especially aimed at business travellers. If you read last month’s blog…
Healthier travel via Sydney International Airport
Sydney International Airport is changing for the better. Carol Sadler, one of our travelling Registered Nutritionists, has passed through Sydney International Airport several times over…
Beginners guide to exercise when travelling on business
So you’ve read the stats and you know from personal experience that those colleagues who exercise regularly have far more energy than you when travelling…